With a twist & a chuckle, we ended Saturday's group piano class with Grand Staff Twister. While the Myerstown Block Party band warmed up right outside our windows we shouted directions for the next person. "Right foot, C" or "Left hand, B". We pressed on with varied games that reinforce note naming, primary chords, the circle of fifths & music terms. We had a lively time! Although many had conflicts prohibiting greater involvement, we'll be glad to have more of you involved when we do it again in the winter!
Please. Do. Not. Miss.
NO LESSONS are being held NEXT WEEK.
Do not come the week of October 4.
It will be dark, locked & I won't be here.
We'll resume normal the week of October 11 until Thanksgiving break.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, while it's not pressing yet, please mark your calendar that we are off Tues - Friday of that week. Monday lessons on November 22 will still be meeting.

These dates are from your handy dandy Forte calendar that you received with the August emails. If you didn't print it, it's not too late so that you can keep track of special dates. Let me know if you need another one.

Here's a date to mark:
Saturday, November 13 we will meet for a
Fall Composition Recital.
10:00 am.
Myerstown Community Center.
Sounds like a good time for donuts & coffee along with the listening! You will hear many original compositions as well as other work completed by students. This is optional participation & while plenty will work on an original, others won't. If you already know you are not free that day please talk about it with your student(s) so that we are not prepping for something that they won't be able to participate in.

Thanks for using the parking area for student drop-off & pick-up. The borough keeps close tabs on vehicles that are parked in the loop but so far, the good news is we have only been told 1 time about an infraction. Thanks for helping us out by not parking in that space and using it only as a drive-through.
Please remember that invoices are due the first lesson of each month. After the second lesson, a $10 late fee is added to your account. If you've paid quarterly & do not owe anything, please do not be alarmed if you receive an invoice since I typically send to everyone.