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Thank you so much for returning your survey concerning the spring recital. It is so helpful for me as I plan further into the recital and will give you the time that is best for your family. You've made it easy for me since your responses were evenly divided enough that I can work with what you've given.


In the prior post I mentioned that next week, week of March 15, would be group lessons, replacing the regular lesson. Since many of you have been impacted by snow days with missed lessons or missing because of the wedding, I will be keeping next week, March 15 - 19, a regular week with a normal schedule.

Studio wide we have been working on a simple song that has all kinds of variations. In order to put these together in preparation for the recital, rather than meeting during a regular lesson, I would like to invite students to a Saturday meeting on April 10. Groups need not be homogenous, but a variety of ages & levels would actually be helpful.

I have created a google sign-up form which will be mailed to you by March 20. This will have 3 available spots for you to come. The groups do not have to be homogenous but a variety of ages & levels would actually be helpful. Please sign-up for either 9:00, 10:10 or 11:20. Each will run an hour.


Please remember our spring recital is coming up Thursday evening, April 29, at 7:00 pm. Now is a good time to be inviting your grandparents & other friends to come & see you play. More information will be coming soon.


The cover of our recital program has been graced with student work the past three years. For those interested in entering the drawing & design contest, I will give more specific instructions at next weeks lesson. If your drawing has been chosen in the past you are ineligible to participate. The deadline for submission is Thursday, April 8.


My apologies to many who didn't get their invoices until after their first lesson of March. I had mailed them Feb 26 (I THOUGHT I mailed them Feb 26) but they didn't go through. I resubmitted again on March 1 but they didn't actually get to most of you until March 2. I'm not sure what the trouble was, but thanks for your patience.

Thanks to many who are getting your payments in at the first lesson of the month, except for when I'm late with invoices ;-) If you are as late as the third lesson, I will be adding a $10 late fee to the charges. When we started the school year in September I included this but haven't followed through. It's now in the system which is why I'm mentioning it again.

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