Group Lessons
Students are here for all the same reasons that are listed on the private lesson page. The goals are the same but the format is a little different.​
A "group" is usually just made up of two or three, but many Forte students participate in piano lessons in this manner. Students tell us that our Allegro program is actually "more fun" and "I like it better". We call it the Allegro program because Allegro means fast, and this format allows the diligent student to get through the material more quickly.

Using keyboards and headphones, we meet on the right side of the room and learn songs, work through our material, participate in challenges, practice improvisations, compose and get our theory done just like at any other solo lesson.

The extended time of a full hour is fantastic! I’ve been impressed that even our youngest students eagerly continue through the entire lesson. On occasion we get to participate in music games that reinforce our learning and when certain prizes areplaceholders in the game (like the crowd-favorite, Japanese erasers that come apart), there
is extra joy!
For the older student, for whom school work, jobs, and busier schedules make home practice more challenging, time to unpack the next section while at lessons is particularly appreciated.

Sometimes new concepts are demonstrated or explained in the group, while other times students do independent work, apart from everyone else in the room. Hence new concepts are explained for just one student. In some cases, students are working at the same pace and on the same songs as their fellow student(s) who share the lesson time. Other times, students are able to work at their own pace and on totally different material than their buddies who participate at the same time. This format is great for siblings!