Forte’s Summer Sforzando (Sfz) sfort-SAHN-doe
(It.) A strong emphasis, all of a sudden
Summer Sfzorzando (or Zando) will be our restructured summer learning program with a variety of options for students to choose from. Replacing previous week-long camps, these fast, short hours together will cram in lots of learning for two consecutive days. Designated Wednesdays & Thursdays will place a strong emphasis (a sforzando!) on a single topic to search & explore.
Since we have 40 lessons in the year, most students will have at least 6 lessons left for the summer. A lesson= 1 credit. So to "spend" 6 credits (lessons) add them up to make your total of 6. If you have more than 6 I'll be in touch about getting in the correct amount.
If you are currently enrolled at Forte, your year-round tuition covers the classes. If you are not part of Forte studio, or you want to do more than 6 credits, each class is $50 each. Some ways it might look:
Your lessons, or credits, could come from Summer Zando alone.
Mix it up and take 1 session for 3 credits and then take 3 regular lessons.
Take lessons only- 6 of them. If you're currently part of Allegro, we'll do that. Those sign-ups will be handled in the coming survey.
Go for Double Duty. Take lessons and Zando sessions. Each class over the 6 credits is $50 each.
Here’s a quick view:

For grades K-5
Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals
Wed, June 9 & Thurs, June 10; 9:15 - 12:00
3 credits
Recent years have had us learning about an entire musical period and covering prominent composers but since the Romantic period consists of a plethora of prolific & important composers, we will focus our attention on just one. Saint-Saens wrote a delightful work with 14 movements all about animals. We’ll still create a composer lapbook and listen, read & study all about it. Come and join the fun! $50 if you’re not a Forte student

For grades K-5
Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite
Wed, June 16 & Thurs, June 17; 9:15 - 12:00
3 credits
We’ve been doing an entire period of music, but since the Romantic Music Period consists of a plethora of prolific & important composers, we will choose just one for these two days. We’ll continue with the lapbooks, listen, read & study all about this famous ballet, The Nutcracker Suite. $50 if not part of Forte Piano Music Studio

For grades 3-8
Piano Guts
Wed, July 7 and Thurs, July 8; 9:30 – 11:45
3 credits
Do you ever wonder how it is that when you push the keys on the piano you get these sounds? How do those hammers operate & what are all these parts? We’ll get on the inside and talk with an expert who will be able to explain & demonstrate the “guts” of a piano so well.

For grades 5 - 9
Chord Challenge!
Wed, June 30, Aug 4 and Thurs, July 1, Aug 5; 9:30 - 11:45
6 credits
So you're great at C, F & G chords, but what about dominant 7ths, making sense of the inversions, and getting into the weird keys that show up? Diminished chords, and an F#9 anyone? In lightening time we'll work through all five chord levels from chord apprentice to becoming a chord master.

For Grades 4 - 12
Team Composition
Wed, June 30, Aug 4 and Thurs, July 1, Aug 5; 12:00 - 2:15
6 credits
Sometimes creating something new is overwhelming but when one person begins with a structure and another adds the harmony, it's not so bad to add a melody that would work. This is an assembly line method that works for everyone.

Ensemble Level I (beginner to early intermediate) 4:00 - 5:30
Ensemble Level II (intermediate to early advanced) 6:00 - 7:30
Wed, June 30, July 14, Aug 4 and Thurs, July 1, July 15, Aug 5
6 credits
This is 3 extended meeting times that will be duets, trios or even quartets depending on the sign-ups. While we will be able to learn much of the music together at Zando, this will involve home practice as well.
